New England Plastic Surgery Center
We provide our patients with the personal attention they deserve.
At our practice, we want you to look and feel your best. No matter what your aesthetic goals may be, we will help you to decide which procedures will best address your unique needs. From your first consultation to your final checkup we offer excellent care, service, compassion, and respect.
Latest News at New England Plastic Surgery Center
Plastic Surgery Consultation: Questions to Ask Your Surgeon
You have finally decided to have plastic surgery. After much due diligence, you have decided to have your first consultation with a well-known surgeon. Now it’s time to bring a list of significant questions to help you decide if this person is the right one to perform your surgery.
Debunking Your Worst Fears About Botox
People have been searching for the fountain of youth for centuries. Of course, we know it really doesn’t exist, but when Botox first came on the scene, it was touted by many as just that. At the same time there were scores of people who frightened many away with horrid stories of what could happen.
Breast Reconstruction After Fighting Cancer: What to Know
If you are about to have cancer surgery, you have more difficult decisions to make. Once you have gotten over the shock of the diagnosis, now they want you to make more plans about your life and your body. Should you have breast reconstruction simultaneously with your cancer surgery,