Author: Ali Loreen, MD

Breast Reconstruction After Fighting Cancer: What to Know

If you are about to have cancer surgery, you have more difficult decisions to make. Once you have gotten over the shock of the diagnosis, now they want you to make more plans about your life and your body. Should you have breast reconstruction simultaneously with your cancer surgery, or should you wait? Should you have it at all? Let’s look at breast reconstruction after fighting cancer.

It Is Your Decision

Most women dealing with breast cancer feel like they have lost all control: control of their body, their life, and their future. Making a decision about breast reconstruction can help you regain some of that control.

You have several options:

  • You can choose to have reconstructive breast surgery.
  • You can choose not to have reconstructive surgery.
  • You can decide to have it at the same time as you have cancer surgery, known as immediate reconstruction.
  • You can decide to wait, known as delayed reconstruction.

Some women are overwhelmed and just don’t want to make a decision right now. It is understandable, but before you do, have a consultation with a plastic surgeon. Someone like Dr. Loreen Ali can walk you through all the pros and cons of each choice. It is recommended that you do this before your cancer surgery even if you decide to have it delayed.

Regardless of what you decide, you are taking back some control over your life.

Benefits of Reconstructive Breast Surgery

Whether you are having a lumpectomy or a mastectomy, breast reconstruction can give you back the shape and symmetry of one or both breasts.

Something every breast cancer patient needs is self confidence and self esteem. You want to look as normal as possible in all your clothes and especially a swimsuit. Know your options and talk with Dr. Loreen Ali about what is right for you.

Other benefits of reconstructive surgery include the following:

  • It helps to restore the look of your breasts before surgery.
  • Eliminates the need for a prosthesis.
  • The breasts will look and feel like the natural part of your body.
  • You will feel more like a woman with symmetric breasts.

Who Are the Best Candidates for Breast Reconstruction?

You must be a healthy non-smoker to be considered for breast reconstruction.

Although it won’t disqualify you from the surgery, smoking, being overweight, having diabetes, or high blood pressure may cause complications post surgery.

If you want to know more from women who have been there, click this link for additional information.

Contact New England Plastic Surgery Center to schedule a breast reconstruction surgery consultation in Chelmsford and discuss the best options for you. Give us a call at (978) 942-4835 or request an appointment through our secure online form.

What Is the Best Age to Get a Blepharoplasty?

Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who has the fairest eyes of all? A subtle paraphrase from the Wicked Queen’s actual words from Snow White, but you get the point. Our eyes say a lot about us: they telegraph young, old, happy, sad, or even frightened. If you look in the mirror and are no longer happy with your eyes, maybe it’s time to do something about it. What is the best age to get a blepharoplasty?

You Can’t Fight Gravity

As time passes certain things occur that you have no control over. We all know this. One of those things is that the skin around our eyes changes as we get older. The area below our eyes gets baggy and the skin on our upper eyelids becomes slack and falls over our eyes. In both cases, it makes us look tired and, let’s just say it, old, when the skin above and below our eyes diminishes in elasticity.

You can buy the most expensive serums and creams, but they will do little to affect a change. Eyelid surgery by an experienced surgeon like Dr. Loreen Ali can provide the youthful and refreshed look you want.

What Is a Blepharoplasty?

Blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery, is a surgical procedure that removes the excess skin on our upper eyelids and reduces the bagginess under our eyes or our lower eyelids. You can have both performed at the same time or just one.

In certain cases, this surgery can be medically necessary rather than cosmetic. Some patients have so much excess skin on the upper eyelid known as “hooding,” that it can interfere with vision. In this case the procedure may be covered by insurance, or at least partially covered. Ask Dr. Ali about this possibility.

The Best Candidates for Blepharoplasty

In the past, predominantly patients over the age of 50 were interested. Today, patients wanting eyelid surgery are getting younger.  When is the best age? The answer is really when YOU are ready to make a change to your appearance. That is quite different from who may have the surgery.

A good candidate should be someone:

  • At least 30 years old
  • In optimal health
  • No other eye conditions

Who May Not Be a Candidate?

There may be some issues with any of the following conditions, so speak with your surgeon beforehand:

  • Glaucoma
  • Dry eyes
  • Detached retina
  • High blood pressure
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Diabetes
  • Any thyroid disorders like hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, or Graves Disease

How Long Do Results Last?

It is essential that you have realistic expectations and discuss this with your doctor. Be aware that your eyes will continue to age post-procedure.

  • You can expect upper eyelid surgery results to withstand at least 5 to 7 years or for the rest of your life.
  • Lower eyelid surgery rarely needs to be done a second time.

Contact New England Plastic Surgery Center at (978) 942-4835 to schedule a consultation in Chelmsford if you are considering a Blepharoplasty.

6 Benefits of Arm Lift Surgery

If you have recently lost a lot of weight (congratulations!) or if you need to lose some weight, your arms may be a problem for you. Sometimes you can thank your mother for those upper arms, or you could just blame genes, or getting older. Whatever the reason, those unsightly upper arms are the least favorite part of your body. You can do something about it. Let’s take a look at 6 benefits of arm lift surgery.

What Is a Brachioplasty?

Arm lift surgery is known as brachioplasty, and it removes excess skin and fat from underneath your upper arms. Imagine being able to wear sleeveless tops in the summer or an elegant evening dress to a special event. Imagine being able to show off your arms again.

They will become firmer and more contoured after surgery performed by board-certified plastic surgeon Loreen Ali, MD. If this droopy, loose skin prevents you from wearing the sexy clothes you want, maybe it’s time to find out if you are a good candidate.

Who Is a Candidate for an Arm Lift?

You must be in good health and a non-smoker in order to have arm lift surgery.

How Long Does the Surgery Take?

Brachioplasty is performed under general anesthesia and takes approximately two hours to complete.

Many patients choose to have liposuction performed during arm lift surgery to remove all the excess fat left and in order to better contour the area.

What Are the Benefits of Arm Lift Surgery?

  1. It will improve the shape of your arms: After surgery your arms will look firmer, more youthful, and sleek. They will appear more toned with no more loose skin and fat deposits.
  2. You can actually see your muscles: This includes your biceps. You will finally begin to see the benefits of those trips to the gym. In fact, you may even be more motivated to work out
  3. Your self-confidence will soar: Now that you can wear all those sleeveless tops and dresses, you will be wanting to go out more often and show off your new upper body.
  4. The results are long lasting: As long as you maintain and keep a stable weight (don’t gain too much or lose a lot of weight), your arms will maintain their contoured look.
  5. Enhanced mobility: You will find that removing your excess skin and fat will give you improved range of movement and more comfort when performing certain activities like swimming or running.
  6. It will reduce or eliminate skin rashes: Excess skin and moisture in folds can lead to irritation. This in turn leads to itchy rashes. After surgery, no more worries.

Arm Lift Surgery in Chelmsford, MA

Contact New England Plastic Surgery Center at (978) 942-4835 if you are uncomfortable with your upper arms and no amount of exercise helps. Find out if you are a candidate for a brachioplasty procedure.

Botox Cosmetic Day is November 20th

BOTOX cosmetic day is back.

It’s that time of year again! BOTOX® Cosmetic Day is on November 20th, and we have some incredible deals and giveaways that you won’t want to miss. Whether you’re a regular BOTOX® Cosmetic user or considering your first treatment, this is the perfect opportunity to look and feel your best—just in time for the holiday season.

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More Info on BOTOX® Cosmetic Day

Top 5 Reasons To Consider A Breast Lift

Do you look in the mirror and wonder what happened to those perky breasts of yesterday? You keep trying out new bras that promise a youthful look, but they never fit correctly, comfortably, or lift the “girls” to their rightful place. If you have these same issues, here are the top 5 reasons to consider a breast lift.


A breast lift is not breast augmentation to enlarge the breast. It is to reshape and uplift the breast. A breast lift will improve the shape and firmness of your breast, and you will have a more proportioned figure. During the procedure, excess skin is removed and the nipple is relocated.

You will feel more confident in a bathing suit, be more comfortable in a bra, and feel sexier after a breast lift.

This type of procedure has increased 600% in the last 16 years, and here are just some of the reasons why.

After Weight Loss

You may have finally attained your desired weight, but your breasts have become saggy, limp, and they have less volume. A breast lift can help correct this unwelcome issue.


Most of us who have reached a certain age become all too familiar with gravity. As we age, our breasts head south, the skin loses its elasticity, and your once beautiful breasts sag.

Increasing Back And Neck Pain

When the breasts become limp and pendulus, this puts excess weight on bra straps causing neck and back pain. You don’t have to have very large breasts for this to be a problem. After a breast lift, the pressure is reduced.

Wanting A “Mommy Makeover

A breast lift is often recommended after pregnancy, birth, and breastfeeding is completed. This will rejuvenate your breasts, but should only be done if you no longer plan to have more children.

To Gain Lost Volume

Many of the issues named above can cause a woman to lose volume, especially in the upper portion of their breasts. A lift will, by its very name,  increase the look of the upper breasts to create a fuller and more pleasing decollete.

Contact New England Plastic Surgery to schedule a consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Loreen Ali, MD and have all your breast lift questions answered. Give us a call at (978) 942-4835 or request an appointment through our secure online form.


Top Reasons Women Seek A Breast Lift | Reston VA (

What is a breast lift and what are the benefits of this procedure? | ASPS (

8 Reasons to Get a Breast Lift | Birmingham Plastic Surgery Specialists (

Top Five Reasons To Get A Breast Lift If You Have Drooping Breasts (

How to Choose the Right Size for Your Breast Implants

Deciding to undergo breast implant surgery is a big deal. How big a deal is up to you. Do you want to stand out in a crowd? Do you want to look natural after the enhancement? Do you want to feel good in your own skin? The decision is up to you. Board-certified plastic surgeon Loreen Ali, MD can make recommendations after a consultation, but it’s your body. How to choose the right size for your breast implant.

What’s the Difference Between Implant Size and Cup Size?

They’re not the same. Implants are measured by cubic centimeters. Every 150-200 cc are equivalent to adding one or one and a half cup sizes. In addition, cup sizes are not consistent in terms of different manufacturers. In the US, most women choose between 300 – 500 cc.

Here are some examples:

  • 300 – 400 cc is the most popular size range. This makes a visible difference, but still looks natural.
  • 400 cc implant is a larger C cup or a smaller D cup. The difference between 300 and 400 cc is quite noticeable.
  • 500 cc is the maximum of what most women want. Otherwise the implant can create future risks like back pain.

Key Factors in Choosing the Right Implant Size

Selecting the best implant size is a personal decision you shouldn’t take lightly. Use the following tips, along with recommendations from your plastic surgeon, to help guide you.

Consider Your Profile

When you turn to the side, how distinctive do you want to appear? You can choose from a low profile, moderate one or a very natural look, high profile, or very prominent, or an ultra high profile meaning maximum projection.

Discuss these different looks with an experienced plastic surgeon based on your unique body measurements.

Think About Your Personality

Consider your personality. Are you more shy, or do you like to be the center of attention? The larger your implants, the more you will be noticed.

Consider Your Physical Activity

How about activity! Do you like to participate in sports, or are you a runner? Consider how larger implants will affect your ability to play or run. Certain activities will be more difficult or cumbersome with larger implants. Choose accordingly.

Review Your Wardrobe

Go through your closet. Note the styles and how they will look with larger boobs. Of course you will need to buy new clothes after breast augmentation, but your clothing style will give you an idea of how large you should/can go.

Make a Thoughtful Decision

Take your time. Don’t pick a size that a friend has, or one you saw on the internet. Pick one that will fit your lifestyle, your personality, and your body frame. Take the time to reflect on what will work for YOU.

Leading Breast Implant Surgeon in Chelmsford

Contact New England Plastic Surgery Center if you are considering breast implant surgery. Our specialists will help you choose the right size for your breast implant. Give us a call at (978) 942-4835 or request an appointment through our secure online form.

Sources: The Right Breast Implant Size For You (my plastic

Breast Implant Sizes Explained – Dr Liland

Is Plastic Surgery Ever Covered By Insurance?

Is plastic surgery ever covered by insurance? The quick answer is yes. One type of surgery may be covered for one person and yet not for another. The most important factor in an insurance company covering plastic surgery is the reason or the cause for the surgery. Are you having a facelift procedure because you want to look younger? Are you having a panniculectomy because of mobility issues and consistent rashes and infections? Each case is different, so let’s break it down.

Enhancement vs. Medically Necessary

Many plastic surgeries can have health and lifestyle benefits beyond aesthetics. Certain procedures like a facelift improve a person’s appearance, but are not considered medically necessary, and would not be covered by insurance.

However, some procedures that are performed for medical reasons can end up with cosmetic benefits. These may be partially or fully paid for by an insurance company.

Breast reduction is another possible procedure that could be covered by insurance. If the reason for surgery is back pain due to excessively large breasts, chronic rashes, or other physical issues, the insurance company might determine the symptoms interfere with daily life. It could therefore be covered or partially covered.

Blepharoplasty is a procedure to remove excess skin from the upper eyelid. It of course improves someone’s appearance which would make it elective. However, if your physician performs a visual field test and determines the upper lid interferes with vision, it may be covered by insurance.

Be aware that every insurance company has different rules and justifiable benefits for insurance coverage. The bottom line is you and your provider must prove your surgery is medically necessary.

  • Have photos of your condition.
  • Keep details concerning doctor or hospital visits.
  • Have tests performed by a doctor and/or a statement from a medical professional suggesting the surgery is medically necessary.

Other Common Plastic Surgeries Deemed Medically Necessary

A number of insurance companies are now paying for weight loss surgery determining chronic obesity is more costly and a risk factor for other conditions.

Breast implant removal can be covered due to rupture of silicone implants or development of a capsular contracture..

Skin removal surgery may be covered because of chronic rashes and infections.

Breast reduction can be covered if there is a history of neck/back pain and/or chronic rash and infections.

Breast augmentation or reconstruction due to mastectomy or breast cancer is now part of the Women’s Health And Cancer Rights Act (WHCRA), and is paid for by insurance.

If You Still Have Out-of-Pocket Expenses

If you must pay for part of, or for all of, a procedure, make a plan.

Save money over time, take out a loan, or ask about financing payment plans.

Always choose a board-certified specialist like Loreen Ali, MD in Chelmsford, MA to perform your plastic surgery.

Contact New England Plastic Surgery Center if you have questions about a plastic surgery procedure. We will be happy to help you determine if all or part of the surgery will be covered by your insurance. Give us a call at (978) 942-4835 today to get started, or request an appointment through our secure online form.

Sources: Cosmetic Surgery Coverage (

Find out If Insurance Will Cover Your Plastic Surgery (

FAQ’s about Cosmetic Surgery | Penn Medicine

What Types Of Plastic Surgery Procedures Are Covered By Insurance? (

Benefits Of An Arm Lift

Summertime brings out gorgeous flowers, encourages lazy afternoons, and is a time for wearing those fabulous sleeveless maxi dresses. For some women, the first two may be true, but for others, there will be no wearing anything sleeveless for another summer season. You know who you are.

You may be embarrassed by the size of your upper arms, but you have a couple of solutions. You can continue to wear cardigans and jackets for another season, or you can consider the benefits of an arm lift or Brachioplasty.

What Is Brachioplasty?

Arm lift surgery or Brachioplasty is a surgical procedure that reshapes the under portion of the upper arm from the underarm to the elbow. Excess skin is removed to achieve the desired improved contour and taut upper arms of your youth. Sometimes known as bat wings, this disproportionate upper arm is both aesthetically unappealing and can present hygiene issues.

The fat, tissue, and excess skin can be removed to give you the upper arm you will want to flaunt. Your upper arm will have a smoother contour.

Good Candidates For An Arm Lift

There are a number of factors that make certain men and women good candidates for an arm lift.

They include some of the following:

  • Genetics: you can exercise till the cows come home, but you will still have that sagging excess skin under your arms. Many women get that “genetic gift” from their mothers.
  • Age contributes to skin losing its elasticity.
  • If you have lost a significant amount of weight, you can end up with loose hanging underarm skin.

In addition, a suitable candidate must be at a stable healthy weight, be a non-smoker, and have no issues with healing.

Benefits An Arm Lift or Brachioplasty

The benefits of an arm lift can be physical, aesthetic, and psychological.

  • It reduces sagging skin and tightens and smooths supportive tissue under the arm.
  • Improves your comfort level after weight loss or weight loss surgery.
  • Prevents inflammation and rashes due to excess folds of skin which can sometimes lead to infection.
  • Eliminates problems with hygiene.
  • Improves self-esteem.

Of course, any surgical procedure comes with risks, but if you desire the arms you once had (or always wanted), maybe it’s time to find out if you are a good candidate for an arm lift.

Contact New England Plastic Surgery Center for a consultation to determine if you are a good candidate for an arm lift and to discuss your personal benefits.