Category: Tummy Tuck

Tummy Tuck Recovery: 11 Tips for Healing Quicker

Dreaming of a firmer, smaller, and more toned abdomen? Tummy tuck plastic surgery may be a procedure to consider. Maybe you have baby fat left after giving birth, or no amount of exercise or dieting will reduce that flabby stomach. If you are thinking about moving forward, here are 11 tips for healing quicker during tummy tuck recovery.

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5 Things to Know Before a Tummy Tuck

You yearn for that flat and toned abdomen you had when you were younger and before children. Abdominoplasty seems like the perfect fix. You understand a tummy tuck is surgery, and of course there are risks, but fantasizing about the results is all you can think about. We don’t want to discourage you. We just think there are some important factors to consider including these 5 things to know before a tummy tuck.

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