Author: Ali Loreen, MD

How Long Will My Dermal Fillers Last?

Have you noticed a loss of volume in your face? Dark circles under your eyes? Deep wrinkles around your mouth and jowls? Dermal fillers might be the answer for you!

By the time most adults turn thirty-five, the face gradually loses more and more fat. You may start to notice that your cheeks are not as plump, your eyelids are sagging, and facial lines and creases are much more visible. The loss of facial volume is a normal part of aging due to a decline in the skin’s elasticity over time.

Dermal fillers are injectable treatments that can be used all over the face to plump up your appearance and smooth wrinkles. Volume that was once lost can be restored and creases in your skin can be improved. Once in place, these injectables provide volume and support for the face from beneath the skin. Hyaluronic acid is used in dermal fillers to pull moisture molecules together to keep your face looking healthy and hydrated. Hyaluronic acid fillers are gradually broken down by the body. How long dermal fillers last all depends on the type of filler used, where it is injected and the metabolism of the patient receiving the injections. Hyaluronic acid fillers, like Juvéderm, can offer results that are almost immediate and will last up to one year.

Interested to learn more and find out if you are a candidate for dermal fillers? The first place to start is to call our office at 978-942-4835 to book a consultation with Dr. Ali.

What is a Mommy Makeover?

The mommy makeover is a procedure that has become increasingly popular over the last several years.

What is it exactly?

It is a procedure that allows a plastic surgeon to address several problem areas a woman is experiencing after pregnancy in a single surgery. Pregnancy is tough on a woman’s body and many women have problem areas that exercise alone post-pregnancy cannot fix. Not all mommy makeover procedures are created equal, and it is not always appropriate to combine procedures for every patient. A consultation is the perfect place to start your mommy makeover journey to determine which procedures are possible.

It is quite common that a mommy makeover will include procedures done on both the abdomen and breasts. These are two areas that are affected most by pregnancy due to weight gain and sagging skin. Other areas women may choose to target include arms and thighs.

Your mommy makeover may include one or several of the following procedures:

  • Breast augmentation
  • Breast lift
  • Breast reduction
  • Tummy tuck
  • Liposuction
  • Arm lift
  • Thigh lift

Recovery from a mommy makeover requires an investment of your time so it is important to plan accordingly. It is dependent on how many procedures a patient has and which procedures were done to determine recovery time. It can take anywhere from two to six weeks to return to usual activity after surgery. The best mommy makeover results happen when a patient gives their body enough time to properly heal and rest!

Interested to learn more and find out if you are a candidate for a mommy makeover? The first place to
start is to call our office at 978-942-4835 to book a consultation with Dr. Ali.

What is a Botox Lip Flip?

The Botox Lip Flip – What is is exactly?


You may have heard of the Botox lip flip…but what is it exactly? We’re going to help break down the details!

Typically dermal fillers are used to plump the lips but the Botox lip flip uses Botox alone. Botox is a neurotoxin which means when it is injected it causes the targeted muscles to relax. Using Botox on a small area of the muscle that surrounds the upper lip causes the lip to flip upwards….hence the “lip flip!” This flip helps to create a pouty look and the illusion of a fuller upper lip. Have a “gummy smile?” The Botox lip flip is also a great option for correcting that. When Botox is injected into the upper lip “elevator” muscle (levator labii superioris), it will weaken less of your gums will show when smiling.

There are many benefits to the Botox lip flip. Results will be noticeable after a few days and there is very minimal downtime. The change to your lips won’t be drastic which many people enjoy. It is also a less expensive option when compared to dermal lip fillers.

5 Questions to Ask at Your Consultation


If your consultation is scheduled, you have probably already done some homework regarding the procedure(s) you are interested in getting. Now is the time to start prepping a list of questions you want to ask. A consultation is the perfect time to ask all the things you want to know about surgery, financing, recovery, risks and more. We want you to feel comfortable to ask whatever you want at this appointment, so you are relaxed, confident, and satisfied when your surgery is scheduled. If you are not sure what questions to ask, here are five you might want to put on your list!


1 – What procedure do you recommend for me?

There is a chance you have been researching one procedure, but the doctor may recommend something else. For example, you may be interested in breast implants, but the recommendation may be to perform a breast lift in addition to breast implants to achieve the best result.


2 – What is your board certification?

Usually, these types of details are available on a company website, but it is a great idea to ask questions about your doctor’s credentials and specialties.


3 – What is the breakdown of the cost for this procedure?

It is a great idea to request a financial breakdown so you can see what goes into calculating the final total for your surgery. Now is the time to ask about insurance coverage as well. Some procedures are covered by insurance and the process can be explained to you, so you know what paperwork you need to complete.


4 – How much time will I need to take off work?

Many patients are unaware of the amount of time recovery can take. Depending on the type of job you have, you may need to take anywhere from two to six weeks to recover.


5 – Who can I call with post-op issues?

It is important you know who to call and where to go if you have any post-op concerns. Make sure you have the proper contact information saved in your phone before going in for surgery.

Botox Vs. Fillers – Which is Right For You?

Botox vs. Fillers – Which is Right for You?



A consultation will ultimately determine what the best option is for your volume-loss or wrinkle issue. Before you head in though for your appointment it’s a great idea to do your research! Ever wonder what the difference is between Botox and dermal fillers like Juvederm? We’re here to break it down for you.



If you’re looking for wrinkle reduction Botox might be the best option for you. Botox is a neurotoxin that relaxes the facial muscles that cause wrinkles. A treatment consists of several tiny and relatively painless injections with localized effects. The most common areas patients receive Botox injections are on the forehead, crow’s feet (wrinkles on the sides of your eyes) and frown lines (commonly known as the 11 lines). Some patients choose Botox for fixing a gummy smile or for an eyebrow lift. Depending on the area treated, results from Botox can last anywhere from three to four months. Visible results from Botox are seen anywhere from 3 days to 1 week from injection and the downtime from this procedure is very minimal.


Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers are all about restoring the loss of volume in your face and giving a more youthful appearance. This is the best way to add volume to your face without surgery. If you have deep, static lines on your face when your expressions are at rest, dermal fillers are a great option for you. Dermal fillers can be added to the cheeks, smile lines, lips or more. A small injection is made and the filler, which is formulated with hyaluronic acid, is used to fill in deep lines and wrinkles. Results from fillers are seen almost immediately and results can last up to two years (depending on the type of filler and area chosen.) Lip fillers can last an average of 6 months. Downtime from this procedure is also very minimal.


To schedule an in-person or virtual consultation with Dr. Ali call our front desk staff at 978-942-4835 or request an appointment online here.

7 Things to Do to Prepare for Your Upcoming Surgery

Surgery day is coming up soon! While you are anticipating the big day there are many things you can do to start preparing now. Start checking these items off your to-do list to make your post-op recovery a bit smoother and relaxing.


1.       Pick up any medications you may need from the pharmacy now! Whether you were prescribed antibiotics or pain medication make sure you don’t wait to submit your prescription to the pharmacy.

2.       Wash any post-op clothing you might need and have these items ready to use. Depending on the surgery you are getting, you may need to wear clothing that is easy to pull on and tops that can be zipped in the front.

3.       Prep some meals and have them ready to reheat for when you’re home. You’ll be thankful during recovery when you can pull dinners out of the freezer and heat rather than having to cook.

4.       Create a tray of needs for your bedside table at home. Assuming you’ll be recovering in bed, you’ll want to make sure all of your must-haves are close by. Things to include: your phone charger, medications, bottled water, dry crackers or snacks and books or magazines to read.

5.       Put your ice packs in the freezer! If your procedure will require ice during healing, make sure to put your ice packs in the freezer now to prepare.

6.       Arrange for your rides to and from the hospital. Don’t wait until the day before surgery to look for someone to drop you off and pick you up! Make sure you also have cell phone numbers for your caretakers written down to give to your nurse.

7.       Record some movies and shows to watch during your rest and relaxation time! Post-surgery is a great time to binge-watch a new show or finally catch those movies you never got a chance to see.

Gift Certificates Available

Gift certificates are now available at New England Plastic Surgery Center! Stop by our office, visit the front desk and ask about purchasing one today! Gift certificates can be used toward costs associated with cosmetic consultation fees, injectables and the purchase of skin care products.



A Note From New England Plastic Surgery Center

At New England Plastic Surgery Center we believe in the fight for equality and against injustice and want our patients and colleagues to know we will not tolerate discrimination or racism in any form. Together we can create a community that we are proud of. If you would like to get involved in the fight against racism, please see the links below…


Ways to get involved and fight racism:

Donate to:

·         Black Lives Matter

·         ACLU

·         NAACP

·         George Floyd Memorial Fund


·         Read, Learn, Share

·         Organizations to support

·         Find your local Black Lives Matter chapter